Back to School Mini Sessions!
*not my image*
The Details
One Weekend ONLY! Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 21st thru August 23rd
Back to School will definitely look and feel different this year with many uncertainties! Don’t let that stop you from documenting this time in your child’s life. This will be a themed session complete with a school desk, books, apples, suitcases and a globe - as well as the above personalized collage.
Each session will last 15 minutes and you will receive your choice of two complimentary digital images. As always, additional items may be purchased directly through your online gallery if you’d like to do so.
Session fee is ONLY $50!
Ready to Book? Simply choose your time from the list below and fill out the contact form to secure your time slot.
Friday, August 21st - Groesbeck:
6:00 pm - taken
6:20 pm - taken
6:40 pm -
7:00 pm -
7:20 pm -
7:40 pm -
8:00 pm - taken
Saturday, August 22nd - Waco:
9:00 am - taken
9:20 am -
9:40 am -
10:00 am -
6:00 pm - taken
6:20 pm - taken
6:40 pm -
7:00 pm -
7:20 pm -
7:40 pm -
8:00 pm - taken
Sunday, August 23rd - Groesbeck:
9:00 am -
9:20 am -
9:40 am -
10:00 am -