We are going to continue our discussion about wall art in this blog post. This is the third part in our five part series on the topic of wall art for your home or office.
In the first part, we discussed the reasoning and beliefs behind offering our clients professional quality wall art opposed to pictures. We then began discussing the first type of wall art that we currently offer - collages.
In the second part, we discussed the differences between print quality with three local retailers in the Central Texas area and compared those prints to a professional lab's prints. There really is quite a difference!
Part Three: Canvas
Canvas gallery wraps are a classic way to showcase your family portraits! Just as we discussed in last week's post with regards to print quality, the same is true with canvas gallery wraps. Simply put, you get what you pay for.
When I first began my photography career, I had a fellow photographer that helped me with the business side of things. She ordered a canvas from an online retailer and was horrified when she received it due to the quality of it. I remember it clearly, she told me that it was "fine," but she did not feel it was professional quality and felt that her client deserved the best. She promptly ordered the canvas from a professional lab and was so much happier with the results. Upon hearing about this, I wanted to see the quality for myself so I purchased a few canvases of my own family.
I ordered one from CVS for less than $20 on a 50% off sale. Upon first look and having little experience with canvases at this point, I thought it looked alright. It didn't amaze me, but I wasn't disgusted either.
I then decided to order one through Shutterfly for about $90 full price. Again, it looked alright. It was pretty much just like the CVS canvas. I honestly expected a difference in quality due to the increase in price. I did not find that to be true in this case.
I then decided to order a canvas of our daughters for my husband on Father's Day from a professional lab. Yes, there was an even larger price difference, but when I received it I was AMAZED! The quality was substantially different and worth every penny! The professional canvas felt much more sturdy and looked vivid, whereas the other canvases looked dull.
Advantages of Professional Quality Canvas Gallery Wraps
* A solid wood base creates a very durable, no-sag surface
* The tightest, cleanest canvas corners in the industry
* A thick, black backing that comes standard with hanging hardware and wall bumpers
* UV-free protective coating allows the product to be wiped clean with a damp cloth
An example of a canvas gallery wrap printed from a professional printing lab.
At Smith Family Photography, we offer canvas gallery wraps in two popular sizes - 11x14 and 16x20. If you'd like one in a different size, we can definitely do that as well!
Check back next week when we discuss Part Four: Vivid Metals.