If your walls could talk, what stories would they tell or would they be silent?
Over the past three years I have heard the same regrets over and over...
- "I have so many photographs of my oldest child, but I hardly have any of my younger children."
- "I wish I would have taken more family photographs that included the parents and grandparents."
- "I'll just wait until I lose some weight."
Procrastinating is easy. The truth is that life doesn't pause for us to lose weight or give us extra time to take family portraits. We are only given so much time.
I've been thrilled with the recent increase of families that are including grandparents in their family sessions! I hope this trend continues because I truly believe these photographs will be cherished for YEARS to come.
I've also made it a point to have parents get in a few of the poses with their children, as well as have parents take a few photographs with one another. Many couples haven't had their photograph taken since their wedding!
Below is a guide so that there are no regrets later. It's not a program. There's no contract to sign. Just have your family photographed!
“One day, you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”