Little girls LOVE fairies! I do too! That is why I offer Fairy Imagination Mini-Sessions once a year. Imagination Sessions take quite a bit more work overall and for that reason I offer them on a very limited basis.
Planning Imagination Sessions is quite time consuming. Each pose must be carefully thought out. You must see the final image in your mind and determine what will be needed to create that particular image. The client (typically a young child) must be posed in a certain way, which is all relative to their age and development. You must also arrange for any props that might be needed. Imagination Sessions are mainly created in post-production (Photoshop) so many of the props used are digital. With fairy sessions, the wings are not actual wings, but rather wings created in Photoshop. The same with wands, flowers, castles, mountains, etc. Almost everything besides the client is added to the image, or rather the client is added to the scene.
Photographing Imagination Sessions can also be time consuming and as I already mentioned, it pretty much depends on the child(ren). Most children are very excited and cooperative when it comes to Imagination Sessions. They can't wait to see themselves as a beautiful fairy with beautiful wings! Even with the most cooperative child, they must be posed in a very specific way. In order to accomplish this you must know what the child is capable of at that age and at that stage of their development. This is where my years of experience as a kindergarten teacher are very useful!
Editing Imagination Sessions is a VERY lengthy process! All the digital elements must be customized to match the scene. The digital items need to be proportionate and blend into the scene as well. The lighting needs to be adjusted to create a certain mood. All of these things need to match the client's personality.
There are three more Imagination Mini-Sessions planned for this summer! Be on the lookout for Huck Finn, Cowboys and Indians, and something so magical I don't want to reveal it just yet!
If you have an idea for an Imagination Session, please let me know! I always love hearing ideas from my clients.
Fairy Imagination Session with Sisters
Fairy Imagination Session
Fairy Imagination Session - close up
Fairy Imagination Session with Butterflies