“Sometimes it ends up different and it is better that way.”
April 10, 2020 was a day that many were anxiously awaiting. This was the day that Jacob and Hannah would exchange vows in front of their family and friends. The anticipated wedding was originally going to take place at a stunning venue in Axtell, Texas, however something completely unexpected happened - COVID-19. Everyone hoped for the pandemic to be over by this date. But that did not happen. The venue cancelled, along with many of the vendors. This wedding was definitely going to happen on April 10th - no matter what!
There was a change in plans. The wedding would now be small and include a few of their closest family and friends. But where would the wedding take place now since the venue canceled? They considered a friend’s living room and a back yard. After all, rain chances were also moving in and out of the forecast for that day so they needed to take that into consideration. Eventually they decided on a beautiful and secluded piece of property near Axtell, Texas. It seemed as if the new plan was falling into place.
The big day finally arrived and everyone quickly checked the skies and forecast for the day and they were pleasantly surprised. No rain was in the forecast at all! And the temperature was going to be absolutely perfect - not too hot, not too cold. It was a perfect 75 degrees and sunny!
Jacob and Hannah
The two originally met because Jacob was friends with Hannah’s brother. Eventually they went on their first date on October 23, 2017. They ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel and spent the entire day together. He later proposed to her in Dallas at a botanical garden.
Fast forward two and a half years. They spend their date nights going to dinner followed by visiting Sonic for ice cream or drinks before heading home to watch Netflix. They describe their relationship as “definitely not average” with a laughing emoji! When asked what they liked best about each other, Jacob said he likes “everything” about Hannah and Hannah said she likes that Jacob is incredibly patient with her.
The Big Day
The week leading up to the wedding I talked to Hannah’s mother frequently. Plans were changing and Hannah was upset her plans were no longer a reality and instead they were just “winging it.” At some point, the stress seemed to disappear and everything seemed to fall into place perfectly. In fact, I heard many family and friends (including the bride and groom) say they felt this wedding was better than the original one they had planned. It was important that they wed on April 10th and on April 10th that is exactly what happened.
I think Jacob’s mother said it best…