“Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think so don’t blink.”
I absolutely LOVE this time of year - the kiddos goes back to school! While I joke about them being out of my hair for seven hours a day, five days a week, for nine months out of the year, I have another reason I love this time of year.
I love this time of year for “nerdy” reasons. I love new supplies, especially fun pens. I love cute notebooks so I can make daily lists. I just love the back to school aisles at stores! Shopping for supplies with kids is a chaotic nightmare, but yet at the same time it’s so awesome to see their little faces light up and get excited about school. I love this excitement!
At the same time, this time of year saddens me to a point. The first day of school slaps me in the face with the realization that my babies are quickly growing up as I snap that notorious “first day of school” photo. Then the Facebook Memory pops up showing me the previous “first day of school” photos over the years. THIS makes you realize just how fast they are growing up!
When my daughter, Lily, started preschool I decided to start a tradition in which I would use the same location each year to document the year to year changes. She looks forward to this almost as much as I do every August!
Lily - 3 years old. First day of Pre-K 3
Lily - 4 years old. First day of Pre-K 4
Lily - 6 years old. First Day of Kindergarten
Lily - 6 years old. First day of First Grade
Lily - 7 years old. First day of 2nd Grade
My little Lilybug has changed SO much over the years! Her face has changed every year. She’s obviously growing a lot from year to year. I hope to think that one day she will look back at these photos and be grateful that she has them to document her growth from year to year.
The days are long, but the years are short. Don’t blink.