Year after year I make goals, not resolutions, for the upcoming year. Some I keep, others I do not. When I was sixteen and bought my first car I set a keep my car clean. Well, I'm now thirty-eight and my car is NEVER clean! Not sure that goal will ever happen.
One of the goals I set for this year was to participate in a 365 Day Project for my photography. These projects look fun and year after year I set a goal to do one. I thought about why I was having such a difficult time meeting this goal and I finally realized the answer! The problem I run into with these projects is that I find them so restrictive. There is a set theme to photograph each day. If I am going to photograph for myself in a creative way, I want to determine the theme or subject.
I am going to begin a 365 Day Project (well it will be less than 365 days now since it's the beginning of March) and photograph something I find beautiful each and every day...just one thing that catches my eye and makes me stop what I'm doing just for a second and admire the beauty that surrounds us every minute of each and every day.
You might be wondering how I will hold myself accountable with this goal since I seem to fall WAY short of this goal every year. I am going to make a Facebook group to share these images. You can join if you'd like and share your own photographs!
When doing something you love for work, it's so important it never becomes work. If it does, it will burn you out. So whatever it is that you love doing for you, keep doing it for you even if you make money from it.
I'm off to find something to photograph!
“Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known.”