Last Wednesday began as typical as any other day. I knew I had a fun, Huck Finn themed session later that evening, but nothing could have prepared me for how amazing it was going to be!
I knew "Huck Finn's" mother was just as excited as me (if not more so) because she was asking for my opinion about his outfit well before the session. I absolutely love when my clients are so excited about the upcoming session! That energy is captured and makes the photographs so much more beautiful.
I arrived at the location and met up with "Huck Finn" and some of his family members. "Huck Finn" was so cooperative for such a young boy and complied with every request willingly. Maybe it's because he was so excited. Or maybe it was because he just loved spending time with me. Or maybe (and more than likely) he wanted to go swimming after our session :)
Certain poses and ideas are easy for young children to understand. These are the typical type of photos that work in themed sessions such as this, but are more of a "regular" session type of edit. For example, this photo of "Huck Finn" fishing.
Other poses however are a bit more difficult for children to understand, such as the boat photograph. This image started with him standing nice and tall holding a cane pole. That is it. I told him that he was standing like that because he was going to be on a boat. Of course, he wanted to know where the boat was. I explained it was like magic and it would show up after I put the photographs on my computer. He was such a sport throughout the entire session!
I had so much fun during this session and I am looking forward to sharing this experience with other children! If you are interested in booking a "Huck Finn Imagination Session," now is the time as I have two dates approaching for the mini-sessions.
Huck Finn mini-session
Huck Finn patiently waiting for his cane pole to get set up
Huck Finn fishing
Huck Finn enjoying the beautiful day
Huck Finn camping among the fireflies
Huck Finn!
As Keith Thibodeaux once said, "I liked Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, and that is the kind of character that I would have like to have played." Thank you for visiting my blog!
P.S. Mention this blog article and receive a 10% discount on your Huck Finn Imagination Mini-Session on August 1st in Mexia or August 8th in Waco.