Member, Professional Photographers of America

Fall School Portraits

Well, it's that time of year again...time for those Fall Back to School Portraits.  Back to School portraits have definitely evolved over the years, but Back to School portraits that take place at the school are still relatively unchanged.  Many parents and guardians want a fun, creative photograph of their child entering a new grade as a keepsake that shows their child's personality.  I love those sessions!  The parents are excited and so proud of their kid.  The kids are equally excited, if not more so, which allows their true personality to shine!

This is my daughter, Lily.  She started preschool this year.

This is my daughter, Lily.  She started preschool this year.

After the school year officially gets started, the school takes Back to School portraits for the fall.  These portraits are posed headshots and they although some feel they are boring, they serve rather important purposes.  One, they too are a keepsake.  These portraits are posed basically the same way each fall which allows us to compare the child's growth from one year to the next.  I love those collages that are compiled with an image from each grade level!  Two, these portraits are fairly close-up which allow you to focus on the child's face.  The administration at the school needs these for their records and teachers like them for art projects throughout the year.  Those art projects are another type of keepsake.  I have boxes upon boxes of beautiful art projects from my kids!  I am actually pretty sure our storage unit is about half way full of them.  Three, these portraits are perfect for yearbooks!  The portraits are nice and close-up of the child's face so their friends can look back through their yearbooks and remember what their friends used to look like when they were younger. 

On Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 we will be taking the Fall Back to School portraits for Hallsburg Elementary.  I am very excited about this venture!  If your child attends Hallsburg Elementary, look for the order information early this week.  I worked with Hallsburg administration to keep prices extremely affordable and I hope the parents will appreciate the savings and flexibility I can offer. 

Throughout the year we will take other school portraits at Hallsburg Elementary including basketball photographs, Spring Individual portraits (those will be more themed), class photographs, and graduation portraits for the itty bitties and the big kids.

Here is a handy tip sheet for school portraits:

School Portrait Tip Sheet

School Portrait Tip Sheet

I am looking forward to September 23rd and I hope you are as well!  If you have any questions about upcoming school portraits at Hallsburg Elementary, please don't hesitate to contact me.

The Milestone of Turning ONE!

I was so excited for Saturday, August 29th to arrive!  Why you ask?  Well, it all began on June 1st, 2015.

I received a message from a young woman named Myranda.  She was inquiring about a One Year/Cake Smash Session for her daughter.  She explained to me that she was referred to me by a close friend and she actually didn't need the session until August.  This made me extremely happy for two reasons.  One, she was a referral!  This means that her friend would receive a $10 credit towards a future session and that she would receive a 10% discount on her session.  I LOVE referrals!  Two, Myranda was excited about the session that was over 3 months away!  When clients are excited for the session, it just makes it that much more fun.

The week leading up to the session I was busy planning (as I do with all of my sessions).  I was making a list of poses for the session, as well as a list for the possible props I would need to bring to the session.  I make lists for everything...literally! 

One Year/Cake Smash Combo Sessions are really two sessions rolled into one.  They require more time, more planning, and more cooperation.  And when you consider the subject for the entire event is ONE, you honestly never know how it is going to go! 

Last Saturday I arrived at the Falls on the Brazos Park in Marlin, Texas early to begin setting up for the session.  Soon enough the beautiful little one year old, Kadence, arrived with her mother and grandmother.  This was the moment I've been waiting for since we began planning the session.

One Year/Cake Smash Combo Sessions always begin with the One Year Old Session.  Typically the kiddo is more focused at the beginning of the session so this is a great time to get some "posed" shots.  Another reason being that the kiddo can arrive on location dressed in clean clothes with a clean face.  After the Cake Smash portion of the session, they are no longer wearing clean clothes with a clean, smiling face.

Sweet Kadence sitting so pretty for one of her one year session poses!

Sweet Kadence sitting so pretty for one of her one year session poses!

After the "posed" portrait session, we move on to the Cake Smash Session - which is my favorite part!  It is so amusing to watch a kiddo work through the curiosity of a cake smash session.  Kadence was a perfect kiddo for this!  She sat down with the cake in front of her and she just looked at it, examining it carefully.  I imagine she was asking herself, "Do I touch it?  What will mom say to me?  What is it?  Why is it here?"  Soon enough she decides to touch it and her hands are coated in frosting!  She does not like this too much, but she's not bothered by it enough to stop messing with the delicious cake.  One thing is for sure, she does NOT want to touch it with her hands anymore!  How else do you eat cake then if you don't have a fork?  It didn't take Kadence long to figure out that she could take bites from the cake without touching it with her hands! 

Kadence loved the cake, but not the messy hands!

Kadence loved the cake, but not the messy hands!

Kadence sat back up and just looked at us like she wasn't quite sure what our reactions would be.  Of course we all clapped and said, "YAY!"  It didn't take her long until she was bending down for a big bite and sitting up smiling as we cheered her on.  All the cheering put her in the mood to dance!  I have never seen a kid dance the way that she danced!  It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen a kid do! 

After all the eating and dancing, it was time to clean up with a nice bath in the park.  She loved the bath!  I think Kadence had a pretty good time at the park.

Bath time!

Bath time!

Personalized storyboards are perfect at showcasing the entire cake smash session from start to finish.

Personalized storyboards are perfect at showcasing the entire cake smash session from start to finish.

If you are interested in a One Year Session, Cake Smash Session, or a Combo Session, message me for more information.  If you book a Combo Session, you save money by bundling two sessions into one!




My Niche - Creative Photography!

I have recently fallen in love with creative photography!  Creative photography can be defined as many things.  It can be as simple as just being creative with props, poses, and location, but it can also be a completely altered image.  Simply put, it is defined as, "altered reality."   

Creative photography is an extension of conventional photography into creative art. Its purpose is to stimulate creative thoughts and encourage experimentation with new ideas going beyond a simple photograph.
My first creative photo, December 2014

My first creative photo, December 2014

I discovered creative photography by accident.  I stumbled upon a Facebook group with some amazing artists!  These artists assisted the members of the group by creating challenges.  They would supply several images and we had to combine them as we envisioned.  

I love all forms of photography!  Capturing a moment in time is absolutely priceless to me.  Creative photography allows you to add elements into an image which can make it more fun and playful (as above) or it can give extra meaning to an image which is otherwise impossible to capture. 

A creative photograph that enhances an image to add emotion.  This little boy was sick and passed away.  He always wanted to climb a tree, but was unable to do so.  A member in the group mentioned above asked us to create a photograph…

A creative photograph that enhances an image to add emotion.  This little boy was sick and passed away.  He always wanted to climb a tree, but was unable to do so.  A member in the group mentioned above asked us to create a photograph of the young boy climbing a tree.  These photographs were impossible to capture, but have a lot of meaning for the family.

This summer I took advantage of my six children being home and had fun with creative photography!  My younger girls were my models and the older kids helped with the setup, posing, and ideas.  We turned our living room into a sea.  We turned an ordinary sunset into a painting.  And I currently have plans for the puffy clouds in a bright, blue sky!  The possibilities are endless with creative photography!

The living room became a sea with boats!

The living room became a sea with boats!

An ordinary sunset became a canvas for the girls to paint the night sky!

An ordinary sunset became a canvas for the girls to paint the night sky!

From time to time I have "Imagination Mini-Sessions."  I typically have two themed Imaginative Mini-Sessions per year which are specially priced and have a very limited availability.  However, I am toying with the idea of adding a Christmas themed Imagination Mini-Session.

If you have a certain theme in mind, just let me know and I can put together something special for your family!  The sky is the limit with creative photography!

From Teacher to Photographer

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Isn't that the question we ask young adults all the time?   I personally have asked this same question to hundreds of children throughout my thirty-six years.  Over the years I have heard many responses to that question - NFL player, dancer, fireman, teacher, etc.  Growing up my response was always, "I want to be a teacher when I grow up."

You might be asking yourself, if you always wanted to be a teacher then why are you a photographer?  Well, simply put...things changed.

After high school I decided to have a family instead of pursue my dream of becoming a teacher.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I loved my family, but something was missing in my life.  I still had that longing to educate young children.  I began taking classes at Boise State University and in 2007 I graduated with a degree in Elementary Education. 

I left Idaho and moved to Texas for various reasons and began my first teaching assignment at Marlin Elementary School in Marlin, Texas.  I taught fourth grade for three years and kindergarten for two years.  I loved working with the children and families in Marlin!  I found it to be an extremely rewarding career! 

As I began my sixth year of teaching at Marlin Elementary School we received a completely new administration.  They were not accommodating to my needs as a new mother.  At this time I had a newborn and needed time to express breastmilk for my daughter.  The administration told me they could not provide me with the necessary break time to provide this for me and my family.  I then resigned.  I was forced to choose my career - my love of education - or the needs of my family.  I chose my family and it killed me. 

At this very moment in time I realized that a career in education was not all that I believed it to be and I began to search for something else that could be equally rewarding, as well as provide the needs required by my family.  As I thought about possible career paths, my love of photography came to the front of my mind.  I pushed it to the back of my mind because the thought of starting my own business honestly overwhelmed me.  However, the possibility of owning my own photography business gradually seemed to sound exciting.

I have had numerous photographs taken of my kids and family.  Some I absolutely loved and others were just "ok."  I consider myself a pretty tough client.  I have a large family which consists of eleven if you count all the children - mine, his, ours, and the ones we picked up along the way!  There are two major issues with photography sessions I had as a parent of such a large family. 

The Smith Family with two kids missing from the photo.  Left to right:  Lily on the back of Gracie, Bradley, Sadie being held by Ethan, Thomas, John, Anna (myself), and Colby.  Not pictured are:  Anthony and William

The Smith Family with two kids missing from the photo.  Left to right:  Lily on the back of Gracie, Bradley, Sadie being held by Ethan, Thomas, John, Anna (myself), and Colby.  Not pictured are:  Anthony and William

One, patience.  It is nearly impossible to get all eleven of us to fully cooperate through an entire photo session!  The kids don't want to be there and it shows.  I would receive the prints and love the concept, but as a family we just looked so...unhappy.  I couldn't feel the love or emotions.  The photographs were just photographs instead of a memory that was captured forever. 

Two, cost.  The sheer cost of photographing a family of eleven is scary!  Photographers seem to have a pricing which is a certain amount for four individuals and every additional individual is an extra fee.  Well, when you have a family of eleven the additional individual fee is astronomical! 

If I was going to have my own photography business, I knew what I wanted to provide.  I needed to provide a patient and carefree atmosphere which would make families and individuals feel comfortable and allow them to be themselves.  People have told me over and over that the session was so easy and comfortable or that they could feel the emotions in their photographs.  Those comments let me know that what I am doing is rewarding.  It gives me a sense of purpose as a photographer.

I also wanted to provide affordable photography for people.  Obviously I can't work for free.  I have business expenses I have to pay.  I don't like giving families a time limit.  I don't like charging additional fees for "additional individuals."  Whether you have a family of four or a family of eleven, you will pay the same session fee.  I have my pricing set up in a way that is straightforward and is affordable at the same time.   

I read a TON of information about photography and business!  After all, I do LOVE education! I seek help from fellow photographers as needed.  I am constantly learning so I can provide the best to my clients.  This is not a task I take lightly. 

Recently I received some of the kindest words after a mother viewed her family photographs. 

I adore Zachary’s face in their pic together and Vanna’s face in our family picture. It totally captures them! You are truly talented. I think people go through life finding out what their purpose is, and struggling with just a job. It shows this is your passion. And your artistic ability with editing and adding the right elements. I hope you have years and bounds of success. Thank you for taking the time to end our summer on a fantastic shoot. Making memories, and capturing a moment in time when families love each other IS making a difference. We get so caught up in living life, and arguing whose turn it is to do the dishes, and please get off your phone and stop yelling at your brother, that we forget to always say I love you’s, and be kind to one another. Even if just for a second. We did in the photo. - personal message from Misty Rae Bridger (August 2015)

I made the move from teacher to photographer.  I am extremely happy.  I am looking forward to meeting many more families and capturing many more memories! 

National Breastfeeding Month is HERE!

August is National Breastfeeding Month and each year this special month gets off to a start with a bang!  Every year the first Friday and Saturday are the days of the Big Latch On event.  You might we asking yourself, "What is the Big Latch On?" 

Groups of breastfeeding women come together at registered locations around the world to all latch on their child at a set time. All the breastfeeding women and children are latched on for one minute at the set time and are counted by the witnesses. The numbers are added up and we see if we can beat previous Big Latch On records! 

The Big Latch On supports communities with identifying and growing opportunities to provide ongoing breastfeeding support and promotion.

The key to the Big Latch On's success is allowing communities to hold their Big Latch On events, empowering them to create an event that relates to the people of their community, while still taking part in a worldwide event.  You can read more about the Big Latch On here

I have co-hosted the Big Latch On in Waco, Texas for the past two years.  The first year (2014) we had roughly 20 successful latches at the set time.  This year (2015) we had 22!  Next year will be even better!  I was pleased with how the event turned out this year, but I'm already making plans for improving the event for 2016. 

The group photograph for the Big Latch On in Waco, 2015.  There were 22 successful latches!

The group photograph for the Big Latch On in Waco, 2015.  There were 22 successful latches!

In 2015, a new record was set globally for the Big Latch On with a whopping 14,889 successful latches!  The old record was set in 2013 with 14,536 successful latches. 

People often realize that the first week in August is World Breastfeeding Week, but in fact the entire month of August recognizes the importance of breastfeeding.  Here at Smith Family Photography we are celebrating by offering Breastfeeding Mini-Sessions for the entire month of August!

Breastfeeding Mini-Sessions to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month.

Breastfeeding Mini-Sessions to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month.

My favorite quote to summarize my personal feelings about breastfeeding can be found on a collage I put together with the help of several nursing mothers and their babes.  This collage was originally put together for an art piece to be displayed at the Texas State Capital to support several breastfeeding bills. 


Just Hangin' Out at the Ranch

When clients contact me inquiring about sessions they most often times ask me for suggestions as far as locations for the session.  As a photographer I have several favorite places to suggest, but I love it when they say they are looking for a rustic, country type setting.  When they tell me that they would like that type of setting I almost always suggest my husband's family ranch between Groesbeck and Buffalo, Texas. 

The family ranch has a unique setting with an array of scenery.  There is an old fashioned type cabin that is constructed from wood and materials from the original farm house, a party barn, and my personal favorite...a covered bridge!

As I meet the family at the ranch I like to spend a few minutes touring the grounds with them and just talking to them.  I like to make my clients feel relaxed and comfortable before we introduce them to the camera. 

We begin our tour by walking past the back of the party barn heading towards the quilting house.  The afternoon sunlight shines beautifully between the two buildings!

Photo between the two buildings

Photo between the two buildings

In that same area there is a beautiful flowing bush that makes for a gorgeous backdrop!

In that same area there is a beautiful flowing bush that makes for a gorgeous backdrop!

From this point we meander to the main attraction...The Covered Bridge!  It is unique and full of fun photograph ideas! 

The children are the focus of the parents' lives.

The children are the focus of the parents' lives.

When the mother saw this photograph on my Facebook page as a "Sneak Peek," she immediately messaged me and told me how much this photograph described her and her husband's outlook on their family.  She said, "The kids are the focus of our lives."

I really wanted to get some photographs of this amazing family on the bridge, but the sun was still too high in the sky at this particular moment.  We had to wait...plain and simple.  The adults talked about life and the kids enjoyed running around playing a friendly game of chase.

Sister had a slight advantage in the game of chase!

Sister had a slight advantage in the game of chase!

The sun finally set enough so we could take some photographs on the covered bridge without being blinded by the sun!  We had to take a family photograph of course and we ended with a fun shot of mom and dad as well.  It was a perfect session by many accounts!  Perfect family.  Perfect weather.  Perfect location.  PERFECT!

"Family is the most important thing in the world." - Princess Diana

If you're interested in scheduling a family session, I'd love the chance to discuss session possibilities with you!



I'm a Believer

I recently had the opportunity to photograph a birth.  People have always told me that witnessing a birth was something beautifully amazing that could not truly be explained.  I have had five children and at that very moment in the delivery room I have always felt far from amazing!  Only afterwards when I am holding my tiny miracle do I realize what a truly amazing experience childbirth is.  

As a photographer and witnessing all the emotions first hand was incredibly touching.  It made me a true believer in the statement, "Childbirth is beautifully amazing."  Throughout that day I witnessed so many emotions - people were nervous, people were ecstatic, people were anxious.  We laughed....a lot (thanks to a very comedic visitor).  We cried tears of joy.  I witnessed parents crying as they watched their babies making them proud.  I have never been surrounded with such an array of emotions in one day.  Amazing.


As this was my first birth session, I had no idea as to what to expect exactly.  I showed up with the parents at 7am at the hospital for the induction.  We waited.  We waited a little more.  And we continued to wait.  About nine hours later it was time...the time we were all anxiously awaiting!  The baby was going to be here any minute! 

The beautiful baby boy came into this world surrounded by people that already loved him.  He is truly blessed.  They welcomed a healthy, gorgeous baby into their family with loving arms.  I am blessed they asked me to capture the special day for them.  July 23, 2015 is a day that I will not forget.  I will hold those memories with me for the years to come.


This experience proved to be a rather personal experience.  For that reason I have only chosen to include a few photographs from the session within this blog.  If you are interested in a birth session, please contact me to discuss the details.

The Day I Met Huckleberry Finn

Last Wednesday began as typical as any other day.  I knew I had a fun, Huck Finn themed session later that evening, but nothing could have prepared me for how amazing it was going to be! 

I knew "Huck Finn's" mother was just as excited as me (if not more so) because she was asking for my opinion about his outfit well before the session.  I absolutely love when my clients are so excited about the upcoming session!  That energy is captured and makes the photographs so much more beautiful.

I arrived at the location and met up with "Huck Finn" and some of his family members.  "Huck Finn" was so cooperative for such a young boy and complied with every request willingly.  Maybe it's because he was so excited.  Or maybe it was because he just loved spending time with me.  Or maybe (and more than likely) he wanted to go swimming after our session :) 

Certain poses and ideas are easy for young children to understand.  These are the typical type of photos that work in themed sessions such as this, but are more of a "regular" session type of edit.  For example, this photo of "Huck Finn" fishing.

Other poses however are a bit more difficult for children to understand, such as the boat photograph.  This image started with him standing nice and tall holding a cane pole.  That is it.  I told him that he was standing like that because he was going to be on a boat.  Of course, he wanted to know where the boat was.  I explained it was like magic and it would show up after I put the photographs on my computer.  He was such a sport throughout the entire session!

I had so much fun during this session and I am looking forward to sharing this experience with other children!  If you are interested in booking a "Huck Finn Imagination Session," now is the time as I have two dates approaching for the mini-sessions.

Huck Finn mini-session

Huck Finn mini-session

Huck Finn patiently waiting for his cane pole to get set up

Huck Finn patiently waiting for his cane pole to get set up

Huck Finn fishing

Huck Finn fishing

Huck Finn enjoying the beautiful day

Huck Finn enjoying the beautiful day

Huck Finn camping among the fireflies

Huck Finn camping among the fireflies

Huck Finn!

Huck Finn!

As Keith Thibodeaux once said, "I liked Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, and that is the kind of character that I would have like to have played."  Thank you for visiting my blog! 

P.S.  Mention this blog article and receive a 10% discount on your Huck Finn Imagination Mini-Session on August 1st in Mexia or August 8th in Waco.

My FIRST Blog Post...EVER!

Man oh man, things are sure heating up in Central Texas!  The temperature is very close to 100 degrees nearly (if not) everyday lately.  During this time of warm temps I am staying cool in the house when possible, which consists of trying to keep up with the household and focus on getting Smith Family Photography digital.  By digital I mean that contracts will soon be going digital - no more printing!  That makes me SO happy!  It also means that I have updated my packages to streamline the ordering process.  Every package will now give you the option to purchase professional quality prints as well as high resolution digital images on a disc with a print release.  Finally, I am launching the NEW website!  I am totally excited about this since I am definitely NOT tech savvy and felt like throwing the computer several times while putting it all together.  Let's just say...the computer survived :)  All of these exciting changes will be (hopefully) implemented by August 1st, 2015.

As the title explains, this is my very first blog post ever - or eva - as my daughter, Lily, likes to say!  I am hoping to contribute to the Smith Family Photography blog weekly...that is my goal.

Let's talk business now.  Smith Family Photography has been an official business since June of 2014.  In a year's time I have taken LOTS of photographs!  I have taken children, family, newborn, maternity, wedding, bridal, engagement, senior, boudoir, team sports, and event photographs.  This year I will be adding school photography to that list. 

During this time I have found my niche if you will.  I have found a true passion for imaginative type children's sessions!  These require a great deal of planning and post editing to get "the look" that I envision in my mind.  Speaking of that, tomorrow I will be heading to the modeling session for the next "Imagination Mini-Session!"  I can't wait to show you!  Hmmm...perhaps that will be the subject of the next blog post??


My daughters with a fun, imaginative setting!

My daughters with a fun, imaginative setting!